

时间:2024-06-07 作者:学辞网




1、Make the best of a bad business or job or bargain身处山穷水尽,力争柳暗花明。

2、Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear.眼见的不能全信,耳闻的也不能半信。

3、a careless word may kindle strife;a cruel word may wreck a life;a timely word may level stress;a loving word may heal and bless. 无心快语很有可能引起争吵,绝情之词很有可能损失性命,适度温语很有可能切除工作压力,而关怀之音很有可能痊愈内心。

4、Victory wont come to me unless I go to it.--

5、in a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. the learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists. (eric hoffer) 在大幅度转变的时期,将来归属于坚持学习的人。不继续学习的人通常只有日常生活在不会再存有的世界。


7、Instruction knows no classdistinction.

8、Albert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B Imagination will take you everywhere爱因斯坦:逻辑会带你从A点到达B点,想象力将把你带到任何地方

9、Education commences at the mother'sknee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards theformation of character. (Hosea Ballou British cducator)

10、All desires have in them little pleasant taste but rather much potential suffering.

11、Reading if failed to apply,the book is equal to the waste paper。

12、Educationhas for its object the formation of character. (Herbert Spencer, Britishphilosopher)

13、understand urself in rder t better understanding thers.

14、A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.极其微弱的一线希望就足以点燃爱的火花。

15、cnsider things fr ever angle.

16、Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all nobleeducation: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and ,need I add thatone must also be able to dance with the pen? (Friedrich W. Nietzsche Germanphilosopher)

17、Education begins agentleman, conversation completes him.

18、Nobody can casually succeed,it comes from the thoroughself-control and the will.所有人的成功都不是偶然的

19、No root,no fruit。

20、If opportunity doesn39;t come,have created it。

21、The health of her husband,the wife of happiness。

22、When I was young, I admired clever people.Now that I am old, I admire kind people.( A.J.Heschel )

23、People even fear death,what is terrible?

24、pen ur ees and see things as the reall are.

25、Hope the only prescription is suffering。
