

时间:2024-06-28 作者:学辞网



“_________ some bread in the fridge.”在写作时我常常感到自己的句子因为语言的限制而失去灵活性?随着信息高速流动,我们的生活方式也发生了巨大的变化,各种句子充斥在我们的聊天中。句子是情感的表达工具,也是智慧的传递方式。,小编考虑到您的要求精心编辑了“好词好句七年级上册摘抄”,本文中的句子仅供您作为参考!



3、call sb.on 5551

4、Who’s younger, you or Su Yang? 谁年龄小,你还是苏扬?

5、a fax machine 传真机

6、.Where were they born ? 4).Where do they live now ?

7、_________ some toys in the shopping mall.

8、萨丽的学校没有图书馆。There ________ ________ ________ in Sally’ school.

9、.Now do you know how to write a profile ?

10、Who did Simon talk to?

11、Learn the names of holidays:Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, May Day, Children’s Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day

12、Mary不喜欢沿街道走 Mary ________ like _________ __________ the street.

13、他非常享受他的周末吗?是的 ______ he _____ his weekend ______ ______? Yes, _____ ___

14、她不准把自行车停在超市前 She _________ ________ bike ______ ______ of the supermarket

15、你生日是在什么时候?在四月八号 ________ ________ your birthday? ________ 8 th April.


17、There’s a discount on sth.

18、出示图片,引出单词: dear hear near year

19、Learn the introduction of oneself


21、Enable the students to use everyday expressions to give instructions, make requests, and give responses.

22、To ask students to draw shops from the nearest shopping mall.2、Ask them to write the items sold in each shop under the picture. 1、Write the names of the shops in large letters above the shops.2、Write and check.3、To describe.

23、Then ask the students to ask and answer in pairs .

24、He is never afraid of making a speech(发言) in assembly(在晨会上).

25、心情犹如一棵树,快乐是笔直的树干;心情犹如 ,快乐是 。


27、Identify clothes and learn the names appeared in the reading part.

28、some writing paper 一些信纸


30、What did Simon do first?

31、have a picnic 进行野餐

32、We help each other. I help her with Chinese. She helps me with English.

33、公园附近有操场吗?没有。 _______ there a ________ near the park? No, there ________ .

34、The time of your birthday decides your star sign.

35、Preview the next lesson .

36、你什么时候想购物?放学后你想和我一起去吗?________ _______ you want _______ do ______ shopping ? ________ you like _________ go ________ _________?

37、Peter经常放学后打篮球 Peter often ________ _________ _________ school.

38、be going to do sth 将做某事

39、play the violin/piano 拉小提琴/弹钢琴


41、Self –learning ability

42、Good luck with your report

43、Show Ss the exercise and make sure. Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Check the answers and correct mistakes if necessary. 1. Read the exercise 2. Dicuss the answers in pairs.3. Read the conversation together.4. Act out the conversation.


45、help → helped 5. use → used 6. like → liked

46、an online interview

47、你在学校快乐吗?是的 ________ you _________ ________ school? Yes, ________ ________



50、Enable the students to exchange information about oneself.


52、Let students be full of self-confidence

53、There’s a lot of rain in spring. 在春天雨水很多。

54、You have five minutes to remember them. 你们有五分钟的时间来记住他们。


56、Would you like to join us? 你想和我们一起去吗?

57、A computer and a slide projector

58、the one child in my family 我家的独生子

59、Write the names on the blackboard

60、_________ some bread in the fridge.

61、Let the students know when to say

62、你的叔叔是干什么的?他是警察。_________ your ________? He is a __________.

63、Present the dialogue.
